All that hot metal and no place to put it.
Cred to jbot-42 for the bunker.
Version 2, very much smaller, same effect.
This is the same fusion idea but more packed into less. I trying to figure out the switching stuff, so that I can set it up turn on and off. This game is like Dwarf Fortress or Roguelikes, so much to learn. But this lets out the frustrated mad scientist in me in a special way. Great game and the amazing things people can make with it.
Thank you very much for the upvote and compliment.
All of my stuff is free to copy. I'm hoping for suggestions on improving this. Any thoughts will be appreciated.
I'm trying to learn how to better focus pressure. The new save I just posted makes my best stab at it so far.Sandwich Lizard posted a wall that helped alot.
I like to watch stuff melt, what can I say...