Programmable CRAY

  • flameaway
    10th Feb 2015 Member 0 Permalink


    This is a save that partially explores layering CRAY.  When used with PSCN this setup will create x number of blank spaces opposite to the side sparked on a CRAY and then create y number of the ctype of the CRAY with the largest tmp value.  (see save for examples)


    *** Edit:


    The above is true if the top CRAY has a larger tmp than the bottom.  However, if the top CRAY's tmp is smaller then the bottom, then the stack acts differently.




    So, for example, bottom CRAY tmp = 7, ctype INSL; top CRAY tmp = 14, ctype VOID.  Sparking PSCN will give you seven blank spaces and seven spaces of void. The bottom CRAY appears to fire first, places it's particle/s, then the top CRAY both deletes those, and creates it's own ctype beginning after the last deleted particle, all of this, in the same frame.  Think of the smaller tmp as a mask. End result, user determined blank spaces before the top CRAY places it's ctype -- a bit like one of the functions of DRAY.


    NSCN acts differently.  It will not leave spaces because it doesn't invoke CRAY's delete mode.  When sparking a CRAY stack with NSCN you will get the bottom CRAY's tmp value worth of it's ctype. The top CRAY doesn't appear to fire at all. TPT's other metallic conductors seem to follow this pattern.


    Sparking a CRAY stack with INSW or INST produces both materials per respective tmp value. From the same CRAY pixel; in the same frame! So, using the example given above, sparking such a CRAY stack will give 14 VOID AND 7 INSL, each time it's sparked (bottom appears to fire first, results accumulate). Any particles in the path are not copied over. Again, see the save for an example.


    Multiple conductors sparking the same CRAY stack give you a mix of the outcomes I've detailed above.  I haven't fully explored this aspect yet. Nor have I looked into the properties of CRAY stacks > 2 in depth.




    3 layer CRAY stacks.  The case where the bottom has the smallest tmp the middle next and the top the largest (firing with PSCN):  The bottom fires first, laying down it's ctype.  Then the middle CRAY fires acting as detailed above.  This creates some number of spaces next to the CRAY.  When the third CRAY fires it fills those spaces, deletes what the middle CRAY created and then lays down it's cytpe with whatever space is left.


    For example:  bottom CRAY tmp 1; middle tmp 2; top temp three, ctype VOID.  Bottom fires leaving,




    Then middle




    Then top X-X



    NSCN fires the bottom stack only.


    INWR and INST fire the bottom, then the middle and finally the top, laying all the cytpes down as directed by each individual CRAY.  The results accumulated with each firing.  Similar to a DRAY copy.




    I use these properties to create:


    1)  A three pixel 16 frame clock. Other clock rates are achievable, as well. For example, I've included an example of a "clock" with this pattern: spark, 8 frames, spark, 24 frames -- repeat. Another very similar setup produces one spark every thirty two frames.


    2) There is also a stable 4.5 pixel toggle (1 in and 1 out).  In addition, there is a stable 1 in 2 out toggle demonstrating multiple conductors sparking the same CRAY stack. Please note that the CRAYs produce blank spaces opposite both sparks...


    3) An in sim method (many possible configurations) for switching the conductor on a CRAY.  See Save. The CRAYs producing the PSCN/NSCN need to be double tapped to produce the required conductor.  So, two inputs to swap the conductor or clear it.  In other words, it needs appropriate switching to work automatically. However, this means that, with the appropriate setup, we can now get the same CRAY pixel to produce different temperatures. For example, you could setup a CRAY stack that produces both hot and cold vacuum. (with appropriate switching)


    In short, we can now create switchable ctypes, conductors, locations and temperature from the same CRAY pixel.  That's right, you can, in effect, change postion and other common properties of a CRAY, all from within the sim.


    Programmbale CRAY.


    These results are preliminary (meaning I might have some things wrong) and anyone that cares to can experiment with this idea is encouraged to do so.



    FREE TO COPY (just please let me know what you come up with...)


    **** Bunch of edits to both content and grammar. Put up a forum post before realizing there is a host of possibilities on topic. Then new observations followed.  I will be updating this post as needed.


    Edited 38 times by flameaway. Last: 11th Feb 2015