Is this a flip flop? Or is it an oscillator, I'm guessing there is a difference between them? It sparks on a different circuit each frame, but once you turn it on it's on without more elements to control it. So at least it's another source of infinite energy.
Fast oscillator if that is all it is. Is it useful for anything, like a frame counter or something? Looks like I'm sparking the same PSCN every other turn (not really a new bit is being created very fast that's all). That should be useful. I wonder if I could set up a similar thing that creates ARAY that fast. If so you could pair the two things and have a very fast BRAY creator, for example.
Changed the save to try the ARAY thing. It fires regular BRAY twice as fast as normal. The NSCN sparked version is the same speed. This should mean shorter heaters...
I really do appreciate the help; I'm trying to learn this switching stuff on my own, and it's contorted.