I just had a really cool idea. I would like to put TPT on an HTML page so people can play TPT without downloading it. It takes a lot of time to re-write all TPT code into Javascript and I thought that I cannot have it done myself. So here is the concept.
The latest version: https://github.com/china-richway2/TPT-HTML
I'm very sorry because the winter holiday has ended and I may not be able to code anymore. However, I'll still be active and if you want to code, feel free to send pull requests!
setTimeout(f, 0)as a tick function, instead use
eval("tpt.Element."+ele.name+'=v');could be replaced with
tpt.Element[ele.name] = v.
Thank you for your awesome suggestions! Actually I just wanted someone to code with me together because it's going to take forever.
Edit: I'm very busy
Edit: I just had a problem: Where can I find TPT icons (those things on the right and at the bottom)? I couldn't find it in the source code.
Have a look at this, maybe it would help: http://tpt.io/.259045
So far, it looks very promising, keep it up! ^_^
That is exactly what I am doing, but I couldn't find the source now. You see, the @Lockheedmartin's page is 404, the github page is also 404.
The problem I'm facing is where to get the icons (those things on TPT's right). I couldn't find it in TPT's 2.12MB of source code.
Decoded successfully, now I can display it in my TPT window. Thank you.
Nice, but when drawing you might want to draw a line between the previous mouse location and the current so when you move your mouse super fast it doesn't just draw circles that aren't connected. Also remember to add the abilty to show your mouse cursor size (on the screen as an outline of the shape).