I like the idea of some sort of standard terminology for electronics; that might also make it easier to learn and/or teach electronics to less experienced users.
(this reminds me how long it's been since I've made a save, I should make something)
Well you and SchmolenDevice are the experts on subframe electronics at the moment. I'm happy calling it that. Would be nice to see a formal tutorial put up in the wiki with all that you and him have learned. I haven't delved into it myself yet. (well I have dealt with plenty of cases where sub-frame timing was important, but I haven't tried 1 frame pscn yet).
A3SFTT!!! Sorry for the excitement, but yeah at one point I suggested Advanced Solid Spark Sub-Frame Timing Technology, or A3SFTT/'aes-fet' which sounds like MOSFET (metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistor). Just as MOSFET and CMOS logic families were ground breaking in speed and size in the real world electronics industry, so can A3SFTT to the Powder Toy electronics industry. Oh and nice having the mod for auto updating particle IDs. And yeah, a number of new electronics and 'PSTN animation' stuff have been coming up on FP on the occassion. "'Tis a new era!"
@Synergy I'm thinking of eventually setting up my own standard for A3SFTT electronics technical documents. One of the 'books' would be a compendium of all A3SFTT technology we have accumulated on TPT throughout the 'years' starting from all basic to advanced methodology. Another book would be for all invented A3SFTT devices and computational standards/form factors.
It would indeed be quite nice to have an organized system for documenting 'modern' TPT technologies.
Subframe electronics. I'm no expert and in fact im so out of my zone I have no idea what you are talking about, but if things are becoming more advanced, we should try to keep the wiki up to date. I know most of my knowledge has come from there, from PSTN usage to even basic stuff like breaking points for GLAS. If we want to be able to have a whole host of innovative people making magnificent saves, we need an up to date, easy to understand wiki, so that when people like me come along late to the party we can come up to speed quickly, and maybe pump out something awesome too. Just sayin.