(resists making connection to WST)
This is a temporary continuation thread of the WST game. As you know the old game thread was all messed up when we moved it here, plagued with OP technology. This thread will fix all that. (Just remember to read EVERY rule)
Current Setting: The year is 2060. Earth is at the edge of being plunged into an ice age, and CO2 levels in the atmosphere will take hundreds of years to return to pre-industrial era levels. The economy is blooming, and humanity is beginning to colonize the outer reaches of the solar system.
Limitations: Three actions per turn, as always. No going beyond Saturn until 2070, no leaving our solar system until 2080 and no FTL until 2175 (Sorry but it's way too OP. You can still use normal space travel.) No teleporting distances of over 1000 km (Roughly equator to north pole on surface of the earth), no teleporting to an area that you have not yet built a teleportation station (To prevent abuse) and no repeated teleportations (ie repeatedly teleporting to reach a star system.) in two of your consecutive turns or if the time passed is 1 month. Each turn counts 1 day - 1 month (You decide) There are 4 weeks per month, so 28 days/month (For simplicity) If you want you can post (as a whole group) up to 3 posts happening in the same week.
Rules: No destroying any planets or moons exceeding the size of pluto. No universe-destroying cataclysms. No claiming more than 1,000,000 Light Year^2 of land per turn and no claiming land that you have not explored that is over 10000 km away. Deal with disasters as they come, or I will announce problems with your economy, population, etc as a result of not dealing with the disaster. Deal with your problems in a realistic manner. No op moves (such that they will destroy most life on earth, or destroy 40% or more of a country, kill over 50% of a country's population in one turn consisting of 1 week or cause enough damage in a way a country cannot fight back in an effective manner. (This rule only applies to countries founded by earthlings, aliens don't count) No violating the laws of physics. You cannot state what happens in a nation that is not yours (No saying some other country suddenly has a volcanic eruption and everyone dies) You MUST state the date of your post, in the format [year]:[month]:[week] ie 2015:1:2 would mean the 2nd week of january 2015. Be REALISTIC No indestructible materials, no time travel, nothing that's too OP. If you're caught doing something OP your post will be hidden and considered invalid. No threatening people with something that can cause catastrophic damage to the earth overall. No destroying all life on earth or over 20% of the earth itself in a single move. No destroying/taking over 40% of a country's land if the owner of said country does not respond within 40 posts of war being declared unless the owner is inactive for over 3 days of his/her last post. No stealing technology from other people unless you have a good reason (ie scavenged it from destroyed ships). Using spies and infiltrating labs isn't good enough! Repeated OP actions (Over 10 repeated violations over a 30 post period) will force us to make a decision to vaporize 80% your country (And we as a group excluding you decide which 80%).
Map: Use the google map, it's easier for everyone to edit. Mark your country borders here or it will be destroyed. Update often, don’t spam with text, and make your borders with the curve tool, fill it with a transparent color (Fill->custom->Select the transparency bar to 50%). Don’t use the same color as a pre-existing nation. The map urls are secret, if you don't have them me or someone else will PM them to you. DO NOT SPAM
Other: All previous countries apply, however any land (or space) claimed beyond Saturn (in our solar system assuming the center is the center of the sun and anything beyond the radius of the distance between that center and Saturn will be unclaimed) Any explosive more powerful than the Dino-dooming Ukatan peninsula asteroid impact (That's a million million megatons of tnt) will not be allowed until 2080. When starting a war, new special rules apply:
War rules In the event of a war each post will count as 1 WEEK, unless you decide to post in the same week. No seizing land over the size of madagascar in 2 weeks, no OP moves, and no wiping out more than 100,000,000 innocent civilians per turn. All rules above also apply.
Hitlersucks will act as a "police" who will enforce the rules listed above. Also no I will not put it into bulleted form as it would be too long. READ EVERY RULE!!! New rules will be added in the future, and they will be put into a NEW RULE section. We will all decide (over 50%) to add that rule if it's not too OP and all previous posts that violate that rule will be declared void.
NEW RULES [Empty] During a war, there can only be one versus one. This is to make wars more realistic and easier to play through instead of them being a dreaded concept.You are not allowed to use more than 5 Weapons of Mass Destruction per year. This is to stop the I nuke all of so and so's so and sos and they can't recover thing.No nuking capitals or main targets. This is to make wars more interesting.You have to deal with disasters and attacks.You must include the details of an attack that you are making. By this I mean no doing things such as I send a million antimatter rockets at so and so. This is to, once again, make wars more interestingNo attacking countries which are unfit for war and no unbalanced battles.If there is a war in one area, you can't simultaneously counter-attack in another place. This is simply because starting a war in one place won't stop another.More rules will be added.