I found a bit of a destructive reaction.
Destructive is an Understatement.
Here's an example
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This isn't anything new. Funny enough, that's one of the first nukes I ever made was a deut-prot.
Me too. I loved setting to life of the DEUT to the highest. Something like 999999 and putting it in a metal container. Then I would simply replace one of the DEUT particles with a neutron or a proton and monitor the pressure and temperature of the resulting exsplosion.
Me too. I loved setting to life of the DEUT to the highest. Something like 999999 and putting it in a metal container. Then I would simply replace one of the DEUT particles with a neutron or a proton and monitor the pressure and temperature of the resulting exsplosion.
Protip: neut can pass through gold. So if you surround deut with gold, and put neut next to it, it will very likely explode.