I am working on an analog Integrated PID controller for controlling tempurture in TPT. But I have a strange problem, I cannot find, or make an xor gate that can operate fast enough. I need this for calculating the error, if I cant find somthing fast enough I will seriously have to nerf the clock speed. anyone have any input?
Here you go. id:1712770 my logic gates save. I think you will find what you need
@jacksonmj I think that will work, it seems to lock on if switch too fast, but I think I can make it work, permission to use? I will credit when the save is complete. Thanks
I really have not tried to understand WWLD. I wanted to have a complete set made from standard TPT electronics except for PTCT or NTCT because they are temp sensitive and have bad response time. all of my gates work within 8 frames or less and are SPRK perfect. in other words you always get a spark when you should and you never get one when you should not, within some regular timing window. My NOT gates never miss a spark (edge triggered). My XOR does not get stuck and it works in 2 frames.
That said I should probably figure WWLD out. its one of the remaining dark corners of TPT electronics for me.