My Saves Broke :(

  • agustrusher
    12th Mar 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Well, it was only two.


    But...but... They were my babies!




    hehe ^See what I did there, a perfect example of how not to react (eventhoughireallywantto).  To be honest, I am really bummed out that they broke.  I probably should clarify though:



    Now this is my Precious Baby #1.  It didn't suffer that much in theory, but it's reaction success rate, which I had painstakingly calibrated to a 90%, dropped, after several minutes of testing, to a meager 10-15%.  Only now do I fully appreciate the beautiful bloom of a birthing sun save working, when it is now so scarce. icrierytiem



    Precious Baby #2.  If failure mated with disastor, this woud be it's spawn.  It just doesn't work, ever.  The intitial singularity energy particle burst is inhibited, preventing protons from propagating themselves enough, or in proper quantities, via the established graviton field to create sufficient energy-to-matter conversion ratios through acceleration to meet the requirements for stage 1 nuclear fusion in stellar synthesis on top of lack of cohe... *gasp*


    do know it's principally because of the e-hol acting in a way unexpected and unaccounted for (as I suspect with P.B.#1).  But even when I spasmodically spam ctrl+'=', it still doesn't work.  I've skimmed the TPT changelogs, and I can't figure what is causing this phenomena; I guess I just can't even... figure, eventhoughiliketopretendwhenplayingtptimanuclearphysicistworkingononimportantthings.


    I'd just like it if someone could explain what is causing this, so I can maybe fix it or accept my fate at the hands of death.  Maybe this could help other people suffering the same horrors having this problem as well.


    Thank you for your time, and I hope my terrible humor made this petty complaint more bearable to read.

  • jacob1
    12th Mar 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    @agustrusher (View Post)
    The first save likely broke because fusion was nerfed. I always think about undoing that, but not sure. Fusion was kind of extreme before, infinite fusion wasn't supposed to be possible. It also used to generate some stacking and occasionally black hole.

    The second save seems to use negative .tmp SING. It's actually the first thing listed in the first changelog, "Fix bugs with negative tmp SING". I can't remember exactly how the fix worked, I just know it doesn't generate an insanely massive amount of particles from it anymore.
  • SGAtlantis
    23rd Mar 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     So... fusion wasn't ever supposed to generate black holes!? xD