frogo112's MoreSolids

  • frogo112
    24th Mar 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    This mod / script adds new solid elements to the game.


    Current List as of Version 1.0:

    Steel, Durasteel, Radioactive Waste / Radioactive Energy, Permafrost, and Copper



    Upon downloading the two files (Launch.lua and MoreSolids.lua), you will place them in the directory of your powder toy executable. Create a new folder here alongside the files, and name it "MoreSolids". Place the "MoreSolids.lua" file inside the new folder. Run your powder toy, and in the console input 'dofile ("Launch.lua")'.


    Folder Structure:

    (Not all items are shown in the tree, just the neccessary ones)

    [Directory with powder toy]

    + PowderToy.exe

    + Launch.lua

    + MoreSolids

    ++ MoreSolids.lua



    Yes I know I could have combined the two scripts but I felt like keeping them seperate as I could later make changes or support additional scripts using the Launch script... and also I thought it was neat to have a feature like that.


    I'm also working on getting a github set up for this but due to me logging in from another state I can't verify my email... Thanks Microsoft :)





    Edited 2 times by frogo112. Last: 24th Mar 2016
  • jacob1
    10th Apr 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    I've been *really* slow at approving scripts in the script manager recently but I finally got to yours. It looks like there are some issues though ... to be in the script manager it should just be a few clicks and it is downloaded and installed. Requiring users to create files / edit the source after downloading it from the script manager wouldn't make sense.

    Can I edit the script you submitted to not require it to be in a separate file? The popup to select what elements you want on startup still works. If you plan to make more scripts, you could easily have it still work, even with the script manager. You would just have to use some global variables and the scripts could communicate with each other, the first script would probably register a function with tpt.register_step to show the ui. Then on the first frame it would see all the elements from all the scripts and ask which ones you wanted. Then it would unregister the step and load all the elements.

    Probably a lot of other fancy things you could do (for the not script manager version), like scanning the folder and reading the list of elements from a comment at the top of each file.