Hello. I very recently joined this forum, and need help with something.
I am currently building my proton laser, but I have a problem.
I am using REPL to heat my laser, but the PSCN and NSCN melts away due to its heat.
I tried everything to block it, but it didn't work. :(
Here is the save:
Edit: One day has passed...
INSL failed to block it.
Edit 2: Nobody wants to help me. T_T
I will take a look....
edit: OK, I looked.
That is only ever going to be a sprayer. I can stop the buttons from melting but that is not going to ever be a beam laser. Honestly you should make a decent PCLN(PHOT) Photon laser first. However, there are 3 decent ways to make a proton laser.
1. by far the most traditional way is to make a PCLN(PHOT) PHOTon laser and pass the beam through a HYGN chamber. this turns the PHOT beam into a PROT beam and creates random moving electrons. most HYGN chambers have some VOID(ELEC) to suck up the electrons and leave everything else alone. I have a couple of older lasers that use this method as do many others if you search multi laser or super laser or stuff like that. Also very important You must heat the laser as a secondary process after PHOT-PROT conversion. heating prior to conversion is wasted as the hygn reaction always cools the beam. There are a variety of ways to do that. again do the search and study other work.
edit: here is a good project by jklujm id:1482610
1482610View Save 1482610
2. Focusus DEUT-PROT reaction. essentially a controlled neuclear reaction contained and forced into a beam. some of the PROT are generally sucked up by VOID and only the ones traveling in the horizontal direction are allowed to leave the barrel. this makes the PROT super heated automatically from the reaction so no secondary heater is needed. I have made one of these and there have been a few others not a big seller for some reason. I love this concept personally.
3. Electronically generated. CRAY(PROT) laser or a CRAY(PHOT) laser combined with option 1. you will need to study electronics in TPT a little bit and learn to use the prop tool and what all the properties do with various elements like CRAY, DRAY bla bla bla. you get the idea. this is a long game. lots to learn.
I will edit again and add some save links.
Problem solved.