Note: i like using scripts more as they can be disabled/used with multiple at once,so i dont want to make an Actual mod and keep it as a script.
2052 Lines
Preferable to not use more mods than this,as it uses most element IDs
11 Custom elements form myself,using code sniplets
33 Ohter people elements,Note: Almost EVERY ELEMENT MODDED in 1 way or anohter + ERROR FIXES
4 Custom elements hided,used by ohter bombs
Modified most elements,Made to have all kinds of USEFULL explosives,Supporting ALL kinds of bombs
Happy nuking
If you want to use any of my elements(like madbomb,darkmatter,ITTN etc) Just give me the credits,Feel free to use them,tho -Doom
Postponed untill element IDs limit will increase
Credits to any element maker that i didnt fix nor made.
So its basically a collection of all scripts with elements that burn and explode? And why so many that make the same thing?(3 types of nukes) Also some elements don't work, apart from the ones you mentioned, like SONG (does nothing),
LEAD (doesnt absorb photons) and LBMB (simply disappears when touched by flames)
I would love a script that added something more functional and less explosive, but this is a good start.