Ive been creating on and on,but since short,every time i use:
elements.element(elements.RADIO_PT_FT, elements.element(elements.DEFAULT_PT_STNE))
or something equal i get:
scripts/DoomsPackODeathstruction.lua:2466 bad argument #1 to 'element' (number expected, got nil)
while it ran just fine before i inserted some new elements,any way to solve this issue/extent element limit?
thanks for helping/taking your time
I assume the 255 limit is due to 0 representing the lack of an element, and the ID of elements being a single byte, thus 1 to 255 possible values for elements.
just uploaded my last-for now update but yeah, @boxmein,dont got the time for that :p
@jacob1,also just a dumb question but,why do life elements exit,in my optinion theyre a screen space waste,they really do annoy me,and PWHT(your element) is litterly like 100x better as an heater/cooler anyway
id prefer it to be in normal TPT