I think that I have enough knowledge of TPT electronics to make a simple 4-bit computer, but I don't know entirely how. Could someone please help?
Break it up into smaller sections
You need RAM, you need an ALU, you need IO, you need a bus to transfer information, you need a control unit ect. Create all of these parts individually, and eventually you can start to think about how they will all fit together. You can learn about circuits, logic gates, boolean algebra, instruction architecture ect from various sources that you can find on google. I've never used it, but "NAND to Tetris" is popular and looks fun.
I just finsihed the RAM today but I'm not really sure thow to make the ALU. I made an adder but I can't seem to make a subtractor that works. Could you explain how, please?
In the ALU, this will include the bit operators AND, OR, XOR, and NOT, and including an adder as well. Probably bit shifters and rotators may be included.
For making a subtractor, A-B=C is equivalent to NOT(A) + B = NOT(C), therefore only an adder and NOT operator is needed, so...
ADD the result to B
INVERT the result
(I forgot another method of binary subtraction, but that involves negation or 'two's complement', and maybe have overflow issues, so that way might be slightly difficult)
Can you show me your RAM? I really struggle to make it so I want to see your one. Does it have an address decoder?
@SopaXorzTaker: It's save ID 1999263.
@The8BitPotato - Wow, it's amazing! Can you explain how the decoder works? (it's the part I am struggling with)
@SopaXorzTaker: Honestly, I'm not 100% sure how the decoder works. I had to spread the INWR part out so it would fit the size of the RAM. It can be as small as 1 pixel per binary number.