Computer in the future.

  • CinnamonTiger
    25th Jun 2016 Member 0 Permalink



    New to forums, but ive been logging a few know hows into basic electronics, can i have some insight as to some more advanced components and maybe an ARAY copier? (I know how simple an ARAY copier is, but not how to build one)


    And can some human name the compnents to a basic calculator?


    I don't know if im asking too much from the forums, but this technology is TPT is really exciting!

  • bramex
    26th Jun 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Technology sure is exiting in TPT. I can't really name all components of a calculator. I do know how to make a aray copy machine. Explaining is a bit difficult. I suggest you watch how one works frame by frame. If you are interested in electronics you should set yourself on some projects. You can also check my profile for some electronics examples.