Powder Toy Hidden Elements Script

  • matty45
    27th Jun 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Hi, ive made this simple script that displays elements that are not displayed in the menu such as LOLZ.


    Here is a list of all of the elements it unhides:

    1. LOVE
    2. LOLZ
    3. EMBR 
    4. MORT 
    5. FRZW 
    6. BIZG
    7. BRAY
    8. SPWN
    9. SPWN2
    10. DYST

    If you think that an element is actually not hidden or you have found a new hidden element, feel free to post in the comments about it.


    Script: V1

  • LBPHacker
    27th Jun 2016 Developer 1 Permalink

    I use this one. Slightly more portable, moves elements from SC_CRACKER2 to SC_SPECIAL.



    local valid = {}
    for key, value in next, elem do
        if key:find("SC_") then
            valid[value] = true

    for ix = 0, 255 do
            if not valid[elem.property(ix, "MenuSection")] then
                elem.property(ix, "MenuSection", elem.SC_SPECIAL)
            elem.property(ix, "MenuVisible", 1)

    What I forgot to mention is that this does unhide some elements your script does not, more specifically BIZS, SHD2, SHD3, SHD4, EQVE, PSTS, VIRS and VIRG.

    Edited 2 times by LBPHacker. Last: 27th Jun 2016