Hi guys! I just made a super powerful wall that can withstand even the most dangerous elements, such as VIRS, DMG, or even DEST and BOMB in small amounts! ~2054853ql It is composed of SHLD, circuit making SHLD grow, PSTE, MERC, some BCLN making LN2 that cools BOYL, SOAP, GEL, CRMC, QRTZ and TTAN. Woah. It is supposed to resist most cheat elements. Strangely, it repels them o_0 But this doesn't matter, I say this to give you a challenge: Make a bomb that will destroy that wall! Forbiddens are: SING, AMTR, WARP, LIGH, rays and elextronics and your favourites: clones of any kind superheated PROT and GRVT :-/ Allowed in limited quantity: DEST (VERY limited amount), BOMB (also LIMITED), DMG, GBMB and THDR.