How do you make compressed lightning?

  • dustt
    27th Nov 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    I've looked at several saves involving compressed lightning, but they were very vague and didn't explain much to me. What are the steps to making compressed lightning, and how can I use it?

  • tomson9
    27th Mar 2017 Member 0 Permalink


    Edited 2 times by tomson9. Last: 29th Mar 2017
  • QuanTech
    27th Mar 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @dustt (View Post)

     Place a pixel of lightning, copy it (CTRL+C), and then paste it (CTRL+V) on the same pixel. Repeat. The number of pixels on screen will be 2^x where x is the number of copy-pastes.

    Edited once by QuanTech. Last: 27th Mar 2017