Questions about an idea I had

  • coryman
    3rd Jan 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    A few months back, I had an idea for a game within TPT. I would create a galaxy, using link signs to allow the player to travel between them, and they would perform tasks such as earning money, gathering rocks, finding artefacts, etc. (all of which would just be an item to save as a stamp), which would allow them to progress by getting more save IDs to visit. This would require lots of private saves (one for the galaxy, one for each star, one for each planet, one for each event within the planet...)

    Is there any rule against creating that many saves in such a short time? They would be private but linked to. 


    If this isn't in violation of any rules, would anyone be willing to collaborate, or take over the project entirely? I have some stuff prepared for it, including a placeholder save so I can have a puzzle to find the ID


    I should add, I made a miniature version of this, using only one solar system. If I, or anyone else, were to start this, it would probably be a continuation of that original game

    Edited once by coryman. Last: 3rd Jan 2017
  • jacob2
    3rd Jan 2017 Member 0 Permalink
    When you said puzzle and save ID, it reminded me of this:

    I don't see a problem with it. But, all of your save IDs will be almost sequential, so people could find all your unlublished saves by changing the save ID anyway
  • coryman
    4th Jan 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Oh yeah, I'd better take my time making them then!
    And that's neat, I didn't realise anyone else had done anything like that.