NSCN piston problem

  • Sam_Hayzen
    19th Feb 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Hi, everyone.


    I'm building a hard drive in TPT and I have been for a while.
    But in a recent update, it would seem that pistons can no longer pull NCSN, and this causes the reader head to tear itself apart. And this is obviously problematic.


    Any tips or workarounds will be much appreciated.



    Edited once by poodiepie. Last: 19th Feb 2017
  • jombo23
    20th Feb 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Uh, not 100% positive here, but, pistons have a number set of how many parts they can pull, and its changed via one of the tmps iirc. check the wiki

  • jacob1
    20th Feb 2017 Developer 1 Permalink
    ctype also affects PSTN, PSTN(NSCN) would be unable to pull NSCN. Make sure you didn't accidentally draw over the piston and give it a ctype of NSCN.
  • Sam_Hayzen
    20th Feb 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Ah, thank you