I have designed a full color display, but am not happy with any of the ideas i've had for using it to produce video/animations.
The save id:2106852 uses overlapping beams of photons to fill the screen.
For example, blue photons coming from opposite sides overlap at every point between so that there is always a photon at each point until both beams are interupted,. Then, where the two gaps pass each other, no photon will exist there. That way, if timed correctly, the two gaps can meet at any point along the blue beams path. The same is true for the red and the green photons.
I would like to use wifi and some type of memory/program to turn on/off the beams in such a way as to create a moving image.
Right now, the save has beams coming from two directions for each color, however, i have a way of overlaping beams so that each color can come from three directions, so then only where all three beams have a gap would open up a space.
I'm making a mess of explaining this, but if anyone with the skill, time and desire were to ask me some questions, I really think this could be developed into a true full color, full motion, programmable display.
Any ideas?
Correct me if i'm wrong but, the refresh rate of the display is as long as it takes for a PHOT to propagate from one side of the display to the other, correct?
If you wanted the screen to update any faster there would have to be a(n RGB) PHOT-shooter for every pixel in the screen. Each layer with more Acel than the last to get the PHOT in the right place. Ex;