Heyloo! So I finally posted the power plant with a few modifications, for example, I made it smaller so I could fit the new houses. There is now an on and off switch and a few other things, here is the save I.D so you can see it for your self.
ID: 2111773
I will post a version without all the houses and larger.
Heylo! So that is a concept for a power plant that actually works pretty well! It is based on the fact that photos passing through bizarre solid, liquid, or gas will change into electrons. I originally tried doing bizarre solids, but it had to be super hot and it was just messy, so I resorted to putting the bizarre into a cage of energy walls. Below is the original plan I made, (on paper).
As you can see some things have changed in the design, like a CFLM cooling system and the power on part
Please do not copy without permission
Heylo Everyone!
So I want to post this new idea to The Powder Toy and I wanted to know if you wanted me to post the raw design, or the power plant attached to a few houses, or both. I'll post an update of what that would look like.
But what if you have NO CLNE?
What'll happen?
The Clone with the photons is supposed to represent a "Sun" the reason you can turn off when you want access to the energy is because it is a feature that only releases the energy of the "sun" when needed