I want a particle that has properties that make it a random color on spawn but stays that color until it is desroyed? It is a powder and every particle has a different set color. My code doesn't work.
local COLR = elements.allocate('TMPACK','COLR')
elements.property(COLR, 'Gravity', 1)
elements.property(COLR, 'Name', 'COLR')
elements.property(COLR, 'Description', 'RANDOM COLOR')
elements.property(COLR, 'Weight', 4)
elements.property(COLR, 'Falldown', 1)
elements.property(COLR, 'Color', rgb(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255)))
elements.property(COLR, 'AirDrag', 0.5)
elements.property(COLR, 'Advection', 0.30)
elements.property(COLR, 'AirLoss', 0.70)
elements.property(COLR, 'Loss', 0.75)
elements.property(COLR, 'HeatConduct', 1)
elements.property(COLR, 'MenuSection', SC_SPECIAL)
elements.property(COLR, 'Properties', TYPE_POWDER)
elements.property(COLR, 'Flammable', '0')
elements.property(COLR, 'Explosive', '0')
elements.property(COLR, 'Hardness', '0')
This is Lua, not CSS. Unless you define the "rgb" function, your code won't work. Even if you set the Color property correctly (see note), it'd be set only once when this piece of code runs.
You'll want to use a Graphics function instead, a function that's called by every particle in every frame (or only once, depending on what it returns) and it determines how the particle is rendered.
local function funcGraphics(partID, colr, colg, colb)
1, -- cache: true
ren.PMODE_FLAT, -- flat rendering, no effects
255, -- constant 255 alpha
math.random(0, 255), -- random red
math.random(0, 255), -- random green
math.random(0, 255), -- random blue
0, -- fire (effect) alpha, 0 for now
0, -- fire (effect) red, 0 for now
0, -- fire (effect) green, 0 for now
0 -- fire (effect) blue, 0 for now
elem.property(COLR, "Graphics", funcGraphics)
Well, that should work, but when I try it, the particles change color every frame, so I guess the cache value is somehow discarded and the function is called again and again and again, generating random colors. This means that you'd have to resort to storing a color value in one of the fields of the particle with sim.partProperty and returning that from the graphics function, but that's ugly. Having no other ideas, I suggest you wait for a dev to show up and help.
Note: The Color property is a packed RGB value, that is, 8 bits of red, 8 bits of green and 8 bits of blue, in this order from high to low bits. In other words, it's 0xRRGGBB. Since you're aiming for completely random colors, even math.random(0x000000, 0xFFFFFF) would work, but math.random(0x00, 0xFF) * 0x10000 + math.random(0x00, 0xFF) * 0x100 + math.random(0x00, 0xFF) is cleaner.
It seems your
math.random(0x00, 0xFF) * 0x10000 + math.random(0x00, 0xFF) * 0x100 + math.random(0x00, 0xFF)
approach is neat, but doen't meet my expectations. It is neat that every time i load up the script it is a different color though!
local COLR = elements.allocate('TMPACK','COLR')
elements.property(COLR, 'Gravity', 1)
elements.property(COLR, 'Name', 'COLR')
elements.property(COLR, 'Description', 'Color powder. Each pixel is a random color.')
elements.property(COLR, 'Weight', 4)
elements.property(COLR, 'Color', 0xFFFFFF)
elements.property(COLR, 'Falldown', 1)
elements.property(COLR, 'Advection', 0.30)
elements.property(COLR, 'AirLoss', 0.70)
elements.property(COLR, 'Loss', 0.75)
elements.property(COLR, 'HeatConduct', 1)
elements.property(COLR, 'MenuSection', elem.SC_POWDERS)
elements.property(COLR, 'Properties', elem.TYPE_LIQUID)
elements.property(COLR, 'Flammable', '0')
elements.property(COLR, 'MenuVisible', 1)
elements.property(COLR, 'Explosive', '0')
elements.property(COLR, 'Hardness', '0')
function colorx(i,x,y,s,n)
itmp = sim.partProperty(i, "tmp")
itmp2 = sim.partProperty(i, "tmp2")
ilife = sim.partProperty(i, "life")
if itmp == 0 then
sim.partProperty(i, "tmp", math.random(1,255))
if itmp2 == 0 then
sim.partProperty(i, "tmp2", math.random(1,255))
if ilife == 0 then
sim.partProperty(i, "life", math.random(1,255))
function colc(i,r,g,b)
itmp = sim.partProperty(i, "tmp")
itmp2 = sim.partProperty(i, "tmp2")
ilife = sim.partProperty(i, "life")
return 0, 0x00000001, 255, ilife, itmp, itmp2, 0, 0, 0, 0
elements.property(COLR, 'Graphics', colc)
elements.property(COLR, 'Update', colorx)
IT WORKS! 'life' is red, 'tmp' is green and 'tmp2' is blue