i placed some big planets down and waited rougly 30 mins for some factions to spawn but nothing. while yesterday random cities spawned all over the planet and random factions got spawned. is there some kind of bug where i need to reinstall my powder toy? (recompile in my case). this is my os info:
Linux RaspPi 4.4.50-v7+ #970 SMP Mon Feb 20 19:18:29 GMT 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux
my tpt is 91.5.330
it can also be the version of the game. i tried it on version:
(i can compile multiple versions and have them installed on my raspberry)
EDIT:im going to try really hot/really cold and just normal and with realistic mode in tpt version 91.5.330
im on 91.1.325 and did this:
made a planet thats 21.99 degrees, a planet that is -4 degrees, a planet that is 154 degrees and a planet that is -13 degrees. (the 21.99 is the normal planet) i dont think it was scripted to obey temperature