reactor control

  • i_am_sandwich
    1st May 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    how could i make a controllebal reactor core useing uran i have be told on a post to use boly but i cant work out how

  • EaterOfCake
    1st May 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    1) You should post the query on the same thread, not create another one.

    2) Fill a DMND box about half full with URAN and half full of BOYL.

  • i_am_sandwich
    1st May 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @EaterOfCake (View Post)

     how could  i make a control rod to bring down the temp 

  • trashgarbage
    8th May 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    CLNE cloning liquid nitrogen at top,control rods fill up with liquid nitrogen eventually, PSTN to lower it / pull it back up

  • docRoboRobert
    8th May 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Basicly, URAN won't heat itself, If there's no preassure.

    Just trap URAN in box/cell, which allow preassure. Then, put your control rod (made from PUMP, which has 0,00*C or lower) next to uranium cell. Place box full of BOYL on the other side (preassure must flow from BOYL to URAN). Place everything inside TTAN box, so the preassure doesn't escape (box must have a hole for your control rod). Adjust PSTN to your rod, so it can move. Now, If the rod is outside, preassure will cause URAN to heat up. If the rod is inside the box, PUMP will remove preassure and URAN won't generate heat.

    Also, you can view other saves to see how things work.

  • PrussianOfficer
    31st Mar 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @docRoboRobert (View Post)

     you are a lifesaver dude! even after 6 years