I don't know if this forum is active enough for this, but I'd like to have a place here to talk about real science being done in the game.
What do I mean by real science?
Well, gold conducting SPRK faster than other metals is a programmed feature. I don't consider these science, I consider them features. What I find more interesting is the side effect of features, such as the pressure created by x number of pixels of BOYL in y blocks of space, and the shape created when certain heat is applied.
So yeah! If you have any ideas for things to study, or know of any good saves with this sort of research in them, feel free to leave a post!
I'll start it off for now: in radial gravity mode, you can get CNCT to orbit the middle of the screen. I noticed the size of the orbit changes with the number of pixels of CNCT, and made a save showing the relation. What isn't in there, that I'd be interested to see, is some of the reasons why this is the case, and if it varies for other elements.
So, for example:
I know that DEUT can be compressed in high gravity (DEUT gets light-blue colour). I want to know how compression depends on gravity. Can we calculate this? How much gravity is needed to increase life of DEUT by 10?