C4C 1 8-bit Computer Release

  • Cool4Cool
    8th Jun 2017 Member 4 Permalink


    Update: Compiler Added



    Hey guys. I have finally finished a project that I have been working on for months

    now, my very own PowderToy computer! The C4C 1 8-bit Computer is now fully functional,

    complete with detailed documentation and a block diagram of the internals. I am very proud

    to join the community of people who develop complex electronics and computers on TPT.

    I am probably the youngest person to finish such a project, being a 14 year old freshman

    in high school. You guys are truly amazing, and the feats you accomplish together as a

    community are incredible (60 hz computer, GPU, video game inside a video game, etc.)

    I hope now to play my part in this incredible community.


    Detailed Specifications

    Before we get into the computer, here is a complete specification for further reading:



    And here is the block diagram:




    • An 8-bit Semi-Von Neumann architecture (data/addresses are 8 bits wide at maximum)
    • A 256 byte ROM and 256 byte RAM
    • 16 general purpose registers (AX - PX)
    • Hexadecimal keyboard and display
    • A 7 function ALU
    • 16 assembly instructions
    • A microcoded CPU
    • OLD TECHNOLOGY!!! We've got ARAY/FILT/INST, and even a subframe ray gun! See if you can find it.
    • A 0.02 HZ cycle speed to teach patience


    Programming Instructions

    Finally, we get to the programming refrence. You need technical knowledge for this section. It is taken from the reference. In the ROM, data is stored in filt. Filt uses a hex number which corresponds to a 30-bit wavelength in the CTYPE:


    Instruction Bitfield:

    • [11111][xxxx][xxxxxxxx][xxxxxxxx][00000] where INST = which instruction

    Data Bitfield:

    • [0000000000000000000000][xxxxxxxx]
    • [               UNUSED             ][   DATA  ]


    Register bitfield (for use in operands):

    • [0000][xxxx] where addr = address of register from 0 - 15 (AX - PX)
    • [NONE][ADDR]

    And an assembly instruction corresponding to instructions or data:

    • Instruction: [MNEMONIC] [OPERANDA], [OPERANDB]
    • Data: DB [8BIT-BYTE]


    Update: Use the compiler linked at top, type assembly instruction, followed by binary operands

    into compiler, then press compile instruction. When done with entire program, press create image

    and copy that ROM.


    To program the C4C 1 CPU in PowderToy, there are several steps you need to take:

    1. Write out the instruction in assembly mnemonics, e.g. MOV AX, BX
    2. Find the binary address corresponding to the instruction, e.g. 0001 for MOV
    3. Encode the operands in binary, e.g. OPERANDA[AX] becomes 00000000 and OPERANDB[BX] becomes 00000001
    4. Put the instruction together in binary, with the identifier at the front, followed by the binary instruction address, followed by the operands, and lastly the sequence 00000 e.g. 11111 + 0001 + 00000000 + 00000001 + 00000 => 111110001000000000000000100000
    5. Convert the instruction from binary to hex, e.g. 111110001000000000000000100000 => 0x3E200020
    6. Set the PROP tool to edit CTYPE and paste the hex instruction with the "0x" at the front, click OK and click on the filt memory cell you want to write to. The cells go from left to right, then top to bottom. (Address 0 - 15 first row, 16 - 31 second row, and so on until address 255)

    Putting data into the ROM is similar. Simply convert the 8 bit byte to hex, put the 0x in front of it,

    paste it into the PROP tool with it set to CTYPE, and click on the filt memory cell you want to write to.


    Instruction Reference

    HLT [NONE]

    • Address: 0000
    • Stops and resets the CPU


    • Address: 0001
    • Copies the value of register b to register a


    • Address: 0010
    • Stores contents of register b in RAM memory location a


    • Address: 0011
    • Loads contents of RAM memory location b into register a


    • Address: 0100
    • Loads contents of ROM memory location b into register a


    • Address: None
    • This is a special instruction - the value of a is simply stored in the ROM, using the data bitfield. DB stands for data byte - the instruction stores one 8 bit byte. This data can be retreived using LOADROM, where the value for the ROM address would be the address of this byte


    • Address: 0101
    • Changes value of instruction pointer to the value of a - this is an unconditional jump


    • Address: 0110
    • Changes the value of the instruction pointer to the value of a only if the value of register b is zero - this is a conditional jump


    • Address: 0111
    • Changes the value of the instruction pointer to the value of a only if the value of register b is not zero - this is a conditional jump


    • Address: 1000
    • Performs logical or on values of registers a and b, stores result in register a


    • Address: 1001
    • Performs logical and on values of registers a and b, stores result in register a


    • Address: 1010
    • Performs logical not on value stored in register a and stores the value in register a


    • Address: 1011
    • Performs an overflow, destructive left shift on register a


    • Address: 1100
    • Performs an overflow, destructive right shift on register a


    • Address: 1101
    • Adds the values of registers a and b together, stores result in register a


    • Address: 1110
    • Receive a value into register a from the I/O port


    • Address: 1111
    • Send a value from register a to the I/O port


    Example: Fibonnaci Sequence Program

    DB 1                     ;Store the value 1 in memory cell 0

    SEND AX               ;Since all registers are 0 at CPU start, I can output 0

    LOADROM AX, 0     ;Load memory cell 0 (a value of 1) into AX

    SEND AX                ;Perform fibbonaci

    MOV CX, AX

    ADD AX, BX

    MOV CX, BX

    SEND AX                 ;Output fibonnaci

    JZ 11, AX                ;Jump to terminate if AX overflows

    JMP 4                      ;Jump back to fibonnaci

    DB 0xEE                  ;Store 0xEE

    LOADROM AX, 10     ;Retrieve 0xEE

    SEND AX                 ;Print "EE" on display, signifies overflow

    DB 0                       ;Why the hell would I want to end my program in addr 13?

    HLT                         ;Halt


    Update: Virtual Machine Emulator for C4C 1

    I made an emulator in C for the C4C 1 machine. The code is here:




    I am very happy to finally be done with this. If you have any bugs, post them in this thread or

    DM them to me using the PowderToy message system. Also post or send me any questions.

    Edited 10 times by Cool4Cool. Last: 11th Jun 2017
  • QuanTech
    8th Jun 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @Cool4Cool (View Post)

     Awesome job dude! Welcome to the electronics community (which I'm not part of, yet). But I have been catching up on some subframe lately, so I'll see you soon on the electronic battlefield >: Also maybe I could help you build an in game compiler for the C4C?

    Edited 2 times by QuanTech. Last: 8th Jun 2017
  • Eliasdbr
    8th Jun 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Very complete instruction set, congratulations! I want to see more from you buddy!

  • Cool4Cool
    9th Jun 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Thanks, @Eliasdbr! Also @QuanTech, you could try making a general compiler... but that is kind of difficult. I am still thinking if I want to make one.

  • QuanTech
    9th Jun 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @Cool4Cool (View Post)

     In your instruction reference, you put "address" instead of "opcode" where it shows the binary for each instruction.

    Edited 2 times by QuanTech. Last: 10th Jun 2017
  • Cool4Cool
    10th Jun 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @Quantech Oh my god! I forgot was that was called! Well, that's kind of sad. I am really dumb for not knowing that. Anyways, in your compiler, I see you are missing DB. You could make a seperate input for only data, or you could use your operand A or B input.

  • QuanTech
    10th Jun 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @Cool4Cool (View Post)

     Added DB instruction. Now I'll need to use PSTN and DTEC majicks to create a 16x16 block of FILT.

  • Cool4Cool
    10th Jun 2017 Member 0 Permalink


    Two questions: do you input DB through the Operand A or Operand B panel? Also, you have a bug in your design where if I spam either the Operand A or B panel with spark the pstn overshoots the filt line. You need to change the maximum extension distance of the pstn to one by setting the tmp2 value. This also applies to spamming every button except DB, because they also connect to pstn. 

  • QuanTech
    10th Jun 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @Cool4Cool (View Post)

     Thanks for reporting the bug. Also I deleted the original save and made a new, published save so that it could get bumped to fp. Hopefully. For the DB instruction, you set operand A. Same goes for all 1-operand instructions.

    Edited 2 times by QuanTech. Last: 10th Jun 2017
  • Cool4Cool
    10th Jun 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @QuanTech DB works a little differently than how you put it. In the DB instruction, there is no instruction identifier (first 5 bits) and the data is stored in the last 8 bits.

    Edited 3 times by Cool4Cool. Last: 10th Jun 2017