Don8B1K 8-bit computer with 1KB memory!

  • DonovanDiamond
    17th Jun 2017 Member 5 Permalink


    How to program:

    1. Clear the Program area.

    2. Place INWR in it as the 1's and leave blank as the 0's.


    The first 4 pixel wide area is for the commands.

    The second 10 pixel wide area is for the memory's address.

    The third 8 pixel wide area is for any data to use.

    The last 7 pixel wide area is to jump to specified program location.

    The second and third areas update first and the command takes a bit long to update. So you can do something like choose a address and activate the memory at the same time without interference.


    To write to ram you need to activate it, then it will accept any data entered from User input, program or the cpu. Then you write to it and it stores it in the selected address. (Note: The address and data will clear after you write and you need to deactivate it after so it doesn't accept random data.)


    Here are the commands:

    0000 = 

    0001 = activate CPU A

    0010 = activate CPU B

    0011 = activate Ram

    0100 = deactivate Ram

    0101 = write Ram

    0110 = read Ram

    0111 = Add

    1000 = Subtract

    1001 = read User

    1010 = display on

    1011 = display off

    1100 = if (current adress data doesn't = 0) continues. if (current adress data = 0) goes until end command.

    1101 = end ^

    1110 = 

    1111 = halt


    And a example of how the default program works:

    1010 display on

    0011 activate ram - address 1

    1001 read user

    0101 write ram

    0100 deactivate ram

    value 0010 1111 for "+"

    0011 activate ram - address 2

    1001 read user

    0101 write ram

    0100 deactivate ram

    val 0011 1000 for "="

    1011 display off

    0001 activate cpu A - address 1

    0110 read ram

    0010 activate cpu B - address 2

    0110 read ram

    0011 activate ram - address 3

    0111 add

    0101 write ram

    0100 deactivate ram

    1010 display on

    0110 read ram

    1111 halt

    Edited 6 times by DonovanDiamond. Last: 20th Jun 2017