• baizuo
    12th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    ** Visit Byzod's stuff shop now, a shop sells all of my works at low price! **

    Sorry you have to download my save.
    I'm playing TPT under a proxy, it's ok to download but got a 605 error when trying to save my simulation.

    Save download:
    >>>>>>Aray Fax<<<<<<
    Special thanks goes to FourOhFour/Simon!

    ****Why not check a advanced version here?****

    You have to set what to sent by fill some NSCN in the blank first. Here's a example, I'd like to sent a word "白". fill a shape like that.

    Spark the start button, it will start. Wait for a while

    Behold! A working fax! Here's the word I sent: "白"
    the upper ARAYs are used to fresh it, prevent it from disappear. Stop that by spark the stop button.

    And don't forget to erase the NSCN you filled in with shift-alt function, it's very convenient
  • duartel
    12th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Can't use it.
    Make it a save as soon as possible :\
  • FourOhFour
    12th Dec 2010 Member 4 Permalink
  • duartel
    12th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    thank you :P
  • RedFlash
    13th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Good work!

    If you're playing The powder toy under a proxy at school, why don't you just take home the sim and upload it from your computer there. It's getting really annoying having to load up the stamps manually...
  • baizuo
    13th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Only have 2 chance go home every year, in a university. Can't wait so long :P
  • accountdeleted
    30th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink
    Lool FourOhFour posted on this thread
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