Hello! I would like to quickly introduce this, a 28 by 16 subframe screen, loaded with a 1779-frame animation. It runs at 60Hz (when your FPS is 60).
The save:
A writer is also included in a separate save. Here, you can recall the previous frame, finish a frame, duplicate the last finished frame, and invert the previous frame (and recall it too) using the WASD keys (or equivalent in other keyboard layouts), somewhat giving it a drawing program-like feel in making animations.
P.S. there's a technique in storing large amounts of read-only FILT data in a compact space, which I call a tissue roll (or just FILT roll, to make it less silly). Per frame, PSTN pulls the data from this roll, in continuous order. The first time I did this, the layered FILT seem to shift it's colors, giving it a moving look. That's why I called it a tissue roll. :3
Example here: