I've seen many subframe saves which feature some CONV that somehow changes the ctype of FILT, how is this possible?
I too have witnessed such feats of scorcery, but to no avail have I found the answer of which ExplosivePowderGuy seeks. In other news, I'm wondering this aswell.
Can you link to such saves? I'd be willing to examine them.
All the ones I've seen, like mine, use dtec.
(shameless plug)
When I come back home I'll show you, however, how do you use DTEC for that? The Wiki doesn't say anything
Actually it does:
"DTEC can also detect the ctype of a BRAY in its tmp2 range and transfer it to a neighboring FILT. This is useful for FILT ctype based electronics." -https://powdertoy.co.uk/Wiki/W/Element:DTEC.html