Hi, I have recently made a subframe rifle, nothing way too fancy, that uses soid SPRK to shoot heated BRAY. (like I said, nothing fancy.) It worked fine, however, when I saved it to a stamp and loaded it later, the ARAY wouldn't fire. Is this something to do with refreshing the particle order? I'm new to subframe electronics, so any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
Yes. When you restamp/paste a subframe object, it resets the particle order. Press d to turn on debug mode and on the original rifle, look at the solid spark (or something subframe) and look at the "#". Look at the pasted version, and that number may be different.
Ah, I see. How would I be able to fix this so subframe saves could be saved / loaded in stamps? Not all to pressing at the moment, the gun was mostly just for fooling around anyway; but in the future I would like for any SF saves to be saveable / loadable.
I'm not sure how stamps are loaded/saved/whatever as I don't use them at all, so I can't help with that. If you did everything right, saving and reopening the simulation should fix your subframe stuff. Note that subframe stuff is said to be in working order if it works after a save-reopen cycle.
Ok thanks, I'll tinker around with it a bit and see what I can do. Appreciate the help! :D
As LBPHacker said, saving/reloading saves reloads particle order too, and you can do that with local or online saves. It's worth noting however that while loading a stamp into an empty save will have the 'refreshed' particle order, copy/pasting stores the drawn particle data in the arbitrary order.
In short, if you paste from a stamp, those particles will be in the 'right' order.
If you paste from clipboard, they won't and you'll need to then reload the save as well.