Explain This Memory Behavior

  • cyberdragon
    26th Dec 2017 Member 2 Permalink


    As the description says, I discovered this by accident. I made this with my neurons, which, I don't fully understand either, I just made them one day years ago while playing around with the original eternal pose machine and discovered I could make logic with it by adding bits. So I was going to make a decorative neural network, that just flashes with logic feedback loops, when I noticed it started remembering pulses. So I refined the phenomenon into this, but I still don't understand how it remembers like that, it's weird. It's not perfect either, it's almost organic in the way it remembers (play around with it to figure out what it does). I think it has something to do with the pixel update order, but I'm not sure. Any ideas?

    Edited 4 times by cyberdragon. Last: 26th Dec 2017