• PangeaUltima
    28th May 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    AWM and AWP = different rifles.


    And i made one of them, AWM.


    You can use this at this save for free:

    Edited once by PangeaUltima. Last: 23rd Jun 2018
  • jacob1
    28th May 2018 Developer 0 Permalink
    Please see our new rules

    Specifically rule S2.5:
    "Excessive formatting. UPPERCASE, Bold, and italics can be nice with moderate use, but please do not use them throughout the entire post."

    Please stop using so much formatting in your posts. You don't need to use bold, italics, and strikethrough everywhere.
  • PangeaUltima
    28th May 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     Aaannnnnddd, i will use UPPERCASE and Bold to weapon names, but not the melee types.

  • PangeaUltima
    23rd Jun 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    The new version is out: 1.1!

    What's new?


    Added the .338 suppresor.

    Added the new scope with laser over it.

    Added the new 2 skins: The neon AWM and The "Tsunami and Lightlings" or "TL".

    Fixed the actual caliber.




    The new version is out: 1.1.2!

    What's new?


    Added the new "Sniper's Glory" skin with custom model support.

    Added the night version scope.

    Added the .338 muzzle brake.

    Added the laser with holdings support.


    The holdings was made before 1.1.

    It just decorates your gun.

    Edited 2 times by PangeaUltima. Last: 25th Jun 2018