yea, filt changing wavelight (dispends on its ctype and tmp), it goes thought qartz and glass, and getting scattered... invs changing its type to grvt, gpmp to neut.
Protons going through powered LCRY turn to photons.
Neutrons going through glass release blue photons.
ISOZ, AMTR and fusion reactions also produce them.
ISZS+GLOW in a sealed container like wall.ISZS slowly decays to emit photons while glow makes more photons if sealed.This way you can make infinite photons if* done correctly.Here is an example save i made
Shoot some electrons at GLOW, and it becomes a photon generator.
yea, filt changing wavelight (dispends on its ctype and tmp), it goes thought qartz and glass, and getting scattered... invs changing its type to grvt, gpmp to neut.
It's the opposite - INVS turns PHOT into NEUT and GPMP into GRVT.