Minecraft Server for me. (HF)

  • HarmonicFarts
    15th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I have started a Minecraft Alpha Server.

    This isn't just a server for me, its for who wants to join also.

    Now, realize this isn't a dedicated server.

    Time of Operation:

    *So it'll run probably from 4:30 till 10. (On a school night probably)

    *On weekends it'll vary greatly. I won't be on most likely, if unless I have nothing to do.

    *On Holiday Breaks it'll be easier to get on because i'll be on. :P

    OP will be rewarded with handy-ness, good behavior, and not being a minge-bag.

    Send a msg. to me via the conversation tool here on the powder toy website and i'll give you the IP.

    Also, if you see a blue creeper looking thing with head phones...Thats me. :P

    - HF
  • CoatsyJnr
    16th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    what is it
  • alexthesax
    16th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Why alpha? Why not beta?
  • shroom207
    16th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I shouldent be here.
  • snowfire777
    16th Dec 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned