Computers are becoming popular in tpt. I plan to revolutionize a new technology in tpt. I working on building a quantum computer. Look for my save "quantum binary tutorial" to learn more. Be sure to read the description of the save.
Nice save. But since my knowledge of quantum mechanics is nonexistent, I can not prove the save is correct. I have been trying to make quantum computers in TPT myself.
Edit: I just gather a bit of knowledge of superpositions and the space-time continuum. According to a random save I found, TPT doesn't support the E=mc2 formula. But entanglement is possible in TPT. Along with superpositions.
Thank you for the positive feedback. And you're right about the save not looking quantum. I myself wouldn't consider it to be very quantum; however, it is technically quantum since photons are fundamental particles. Also, I've hit a roadblock; DTEC will detect photons regardless of whether the photons are red or green. With the "AND" filter, the photons will either spark all the nearby conductors or none of them. And while I DO need that, I also need them to be able to spark some of the nearby conductors. But DTEC doesn't detect wavelengths. What am I gonna do?
Okay, time to intervene (I didn't want to because this thread looked interesting). DTEC totally detects wavelengths (ctype).
DTEC can only transfer ctype to adjacent lines of FILT. LDTC is very similar but a bit smarter in that it lets you fine-tune which particle's ctype it reads and copies to an adjacent line of FILT. FILT also executes bitwise logic on wavelength-bearing particles that pass through it, those being are PHOT and BRAY. Of these two, BRAY is much more useful as it travels way faster than PHOT and is easier to interact with in a lot of other ways that I won't bother to explain now.
So what that leaves you with is a very easy and fast way to pass ctype from BRAY to FILT (DTEC) and a very easy and fast way to pass ctype from FILT to BRAY (ARAY). You can also clean up BRAY once you don't need it. With LDTC some of this work becomes easier, some of it doesn't; so far I haven't seen its full potential used since it's a new element. When you combine all this, you get all you need to build traditional (i.e. non-quantum) computers in TPT. Here's one:
There's also of course subframe but I don't feel like plugging one of my own computers in here :P Maybe I should have stopped at my opening statement, but there might be a chance that this saves you some amount of struggling with getting PHOT stuff working before inevitably going over to BRAY stuff. Sorry.
(Response to above hidden comment.)
I have, lol. I have a 24-bit subframe multiplier that uses exactly that :P
(Bottom left corner.)
Superpositions are technically possible. They are a state of the unknown like whether STKM is alive or dead or whether BOMB has exploded or not. Just use GRVT to cover up an object then put something that can react with the object. Then make sure you don't see it happen and BANG! Superposition created. The STKM can be alive or dead. The BOMB can be intact or ignited.
Also, to entangle two pixels of PHOT, use DETC to detect the current position of PHOT 1 then send the position to a receiver using a clever bit of WIFI tinkering. Then let the receiver transmit that data to a device with PHOT 2 inside. Using a bit of GPMP, DRAY or CRAY wiring, PHOT 1's position can be replicated to the PHOT 2.
To make a qubit, you entangle a superposition. So, take this superposition. A pixel of PHOT is generated, behind a layer of stationary GRVT, with a randomized life value. After 3 minutes, you come back. The PHOT is in a superposition of decayed and not decayed. Assume there was a DETC system that detects whether the PHOT is dead or not. We just need to see it to know whether it is alive or not.
Also, I am still new to the quantum community so don't say I am lying.
I tried using LDTC to detect only green wavelengths, and it didn't work. LDTC just behaved like a normal DTEC when transferring the wavelength to the adjacent filter. I typed "!set ctype LDTC 4096" in the console (without the quotes) and I also tried setting the LDTC's ctype using the property tool. And in both cases the LDTC transferred the photon's wavelength regardless of whether it was green or red. I need it to only detect green--because in my system, green=1 and red=0. Was there something I missed?
Just to clarify, 4096 is the filter ctype for green. Also; the point of my save is to teach how to store computer information in a single photon, so BRAY would be useless in that situation.