This is the first script I have made for tpt. I turned every single thing in the game into powder.
to install just copy and paste the code into a text document and name it anything.lua then ingame type dofile('anything.lua'). if you don't want to have to activate it just name the file autorun.lua. Good luck making any electronics or machines with this enabled.
I hope you enjoy the script!
This does the same (most likely, assuming you included every element):
for a, b in pairs(tpt.el) do if b.gravity then b.gravity = 1 end end
Edit: you somehow managed to move the OP below my comment, congratulations.
In this context it could either mean Original Poster or Original Post. I meant the Original Post, since for a moment the whole script appeared under my comment. Maybe the forum bugged out, dunno.
Anyway, being new to Lua is of course alright; that's why I decided to show you how it'd be done in a more professional way. The 'duh' is due to my slight annoyance at your response :P I mean, you could have just added the falldown thing yourself.
Can you please chuck that blob of code onto pastebin or somthing and just post a link instead in the OP? (Now you know what that means.) It makes the thread unnecessarily long.
See edit above.
I used the HTML button (rightmost button in the editor) and manually entered <p><code>my code here</code></p>. I think the editor is going to mess this sentence up though so here it is:
LOL It's hilarious, anyway. I had to try it.
I know just enough LUA to edit a script without killing it.