FRST-A1 Texter Remake || Post your Ideas

  • XGEM_Gaming
    4th Jun 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    I want to remake id:2370828, but it would be kinda lame if I just remade it with the addition of an alt-key.


    R33sesK1ng - ".. I only mention that because letters are normally typed out in lower-case (although they are capital on each key, itself) and Shift makes them into capital letters, as they're typed out. Cool looking characters like that deserve some type of macro-key system, or something. .."


    Old feature set:

    -Shift turns letters into special characters

    -Automatic FILT reel retraction after 2 seconds of inactivity

    -Enter and Up


    WIP: id:2429101


    Current features planned: (D-... = definitely, P-... = possible, $ = community idea, * = my idea)

    *D-Shfit turns letters into uppercase letters, Numbers into !,@,#,etc., regular shifty stuff

    *P-Mostly realistic keyboard layout, including numpad. (Sorry, no F keys though. *Oh really???*)

    *D-Enter and Up (Mabye with a bonus feature to make up automatically go to the end of the line above)

    *D-Automatic FILT reel retraction after 2 seconds of inactivity

    *P-Alt-key turns regular and shifted characters into super-special characters


    If you post an idea in comments, make sure to put $>> at the beginning.

    Edited 2 times by XGEM_Gaming. Last: 5th Jun 2019