$ for i in $( seq 1 200 ); do echo $i $( curl --head http://starcatcher.us/scripts/main.lua?get=$i 2>/dev/null | grep Content-Length | cut -d ':' -f 2 ) ; done | sort -nrk 2 | head -n 1
This yields "129 182528", meaning it's #129 CHEM-MOD_v1.2.2b, which is more than 182KB.
Side note: don't crawl starcatcher too much, or jacob1 will get mad.
Another one: the editor got me again, it's so difficult to post code here :(
To be honest, if you write a very long Lua script as a modded client type of situation for TPT, you shouldn't rely on Lua scripting. It's certainty possible and can be done, but the long-term maintenance isn't going to be a breeze if we change something in the future with Lua.