Element that blocks pressure w/o melting

  • SsaucySam
    17th Feb 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    I am making a save, and I requre heat (via heac) to be transfered out, without the pressure escaping. What elements block pressure, and conduct heat, yet dont melt? I only need this part if it is larger than 1px. If the element is drawn via 1px, it just needs to block pressure and not melt.


    Edited once by SsaucySam. Last: 17th Feb 2020
  • MachineMan
    18th Feb 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    There is no vanilla element with such properties (yet.)  But you could use DMND in conjunction with airblock wall. DMND is a good heat conductor that doesn't melt and airblock wall would block pressure but allow elements to touch the DMND.

  • jacob1
    18th Feb 2020 Developer 0 Permalink
    If it helps, TTAN with .tmp 1 blocks pressure even if you just have one pixel in a cell. Usually, it would require 8 pixels in a cell to do this. Then you can surround it with something that doesn't melt like INSL.
  • Cracker1000
    18th Feb 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    @SsaucySam (View Post)

     In case you don't want to go with a WALL less design, i would suggest using air block wall along with HEAC.

    Alternatively, you can use the HEAC's special property that allows it to transfer heat over 4 pixel wide gaps with TTAN.


    There are other ways too, involving serialisation and other stuff but those are slightly complicated.


    I can also make a save illustrating some of these methods if you want.

    Edited once by Cracker1000. Last: 18th Feb 2020
  • coryman
    20th Feb 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    You can make a line of particles like so:


    And like Jacob1 said, set the .tmp of the TTAN to 1. The heat from the HEAC jumps gaps, but it can only jump gaps of 3 pixels, so if they're only one particle apart the heat won't transfer between them, even if the FRME isn't there (though as far as I can tell, FRME does block the heat transfer even if the gap is right)

  • MachineMan
    22nd Feb 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     INSL doesn't melt but it does burn.  ARAY might be better.  It doesn't melt or burn.  It also doesn't conduct heat so the TTAN would be safe from really hot elements.

  • kobalt
    22nd Feb 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    ARAY is also a great instant conductor, so if you want instant transmission of electricity you can do it without stupid INSTANT cooldown.