After months of development I have finally created a 3D TPT mod! Does it lag? Nope. It works based off of the current engine, using layered particles to store 3D information, and a fancy ray tracing renderer that lets you rotate the scene and view creations in 3D!
The mod is still WIP, so some controls and UI elements are not complete yet.
- Rotatable 3D view, layering based 3D renderer
- 3D pressure, ambient heat and gravity maps (additional z layers "estimate" values from a base layer)
- 3D SPRK, heat conduction
- 3D brushes, such as cubes, pyramids, spheres, etc...
- Additional 3D quick options (see README.txt)
- Random extra tools I added for fun, such as dynamic transform tool (scale and rotate, in 3D!), better prop tool and configurator.
- (WIP) 3D moving solids and fluids (3DSD, 3DFL)
- (WIP) Other cool "rejected" TPT stuff like magnets and planets
Use arrow keys on the side to pan within a layer or rotate, use Ctrl-O and Ctrl-I to move between z-layers. You can draw on only 1 z-layer at a time (unless using a 3D brush, in which case it's centered on the z-layer). Rotating the camera still restricts you to the xy plane, the z-layer rotates with the camera.
You can use buttons on the top left to quickly change camera view to front, back, top, etc...
Todo / Known bugs
- The particle limit's still the same, so your 3D creations are limited in size
- SPRK sometimes causes infinite loops when conducting between 3D sheets
- Pressure approximation is unrealistic
- Better indicator for current z-layer (maybe draw the plane or a grid?)
Video Demo:
Thanks troller.
@Lord_Bowserinator (View Post)
You are now needed to make it actually work now!
No, look at the date of publishing the thread, it's says 30th of march.