Making an Adder

  • smaw
    12th May 2020 Member 1 Permalink

    I'm trying to make an Adder for an ALU but I don't know how I can time it all correctly. It takes 23 frames for the carry to output, but then it's 23 frames behind the input for the second bit! How can I make it so it all syncs up?



    Thanks :)

    Edited once by ElPhillip. Last: 12th May 2020
    12th May 2020 Banned 1 Permalink
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  • Fusionftw
    12th May 2020 Member 1 Permalink

    @ElPhillip (View Post)

     You could try adding a delay to the input lines for the second portion using DLAY set to 23C.


    Since you're using INST, you can make a delay like this (each [] represents an element):


  • AtomicX
    13th May 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    guys I am looking for someone to collab with me to help me build a computer. Would you mind helpin?