I can only modify or destroy things and i was looking for the STKM or FIGH scripts, as a way of doing a PSFG(only fights fighter), or at least trying, because i wanted a FIGH that doesn't fight stkm, if somebody post the FIGH and STKM script i might be trying to doing it, if not, not. I will post the code here if i make it.
Fun fact?: This post is a logic gate, a "and" logic gate.
Please respond if you have the scripts.
Trying to dissect the TPT didn't help on finding the script
Maybe necro, but probably not. https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Thread=19400&PageNum=0#Message=275473
Ok, but this doesn't help finding the script, there is some scripts that changes STKM or FIGH propertys, but i need the original script from FIGH(base script) to make PSFG or even a 3rd player(maybe).
maybe on the script server? https://starcatcher.us/scripts or the source code from tpt? or you could PM @jacob1
there's another thread on a STKM mod, maybe useful https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Thread=24698&PageNum=0#Message=314761
All i need is to find the behavior towards STKM and STK2 and change it to other element, as LIGH as exemple(lol they would be scared towards LIGH lol). Or no? And the only thing i need is the script of FIGH.