ID: 2654153
So basically I've made basic data storage using a tape comprised of COAL and FILT (with FILT representing a 1 and COAL representing a 0). Right now, obviously, it's not perfect, and is really unreliable. In the future, I'm hoping to increase the reliability of it substantially and maybe make some sort of movie player with it.
Any feedback (and of course suggestions to improve it) are welcome!
Edit: Anyone here?
So. Filt has different modes and filt colors photons. Photons can conduct electricity.
SO. Remove the coal, and replace it with filt that has a different color. Make the second layer of filt. I won't tell u here, but research, and you can learn to put filt into a mode, where it can only accept photons that have the same color as it. Different color photons will be DELETED. Put some conductor (I forgot which) and it will absorb the photon and create a charge.
I don't know how to make FILTS only accept photons of the same color as them (you didnt even give me any tips on how to do it bruh), so that's out of the question for now.