Hello. I am busy at work making a Lua mod for TPT. (No, not that sad excuse for a mod that was Little's Pack)
I have tried to incorporate an autoupdater using the code in autorun.lua to get a test PNG i uploaded and download it to TPT, however that didn't do much, it just gave me some weird text document that said it moved permanently - and the link in the document didnt do anything in TPT.
So, as a last resort, I wanna make a discord server. I don't, however, know how to open up URLs in a browser in TPT as some dude has deleted the Platform page for the Lua API.
Good thing you told me about the discord thing. That came in clutch.
As for the http:get(), how does it work with Google Drive?
Another thing:
What does "string expected, got userdata" mean?
Here's my code
local re = http.get("https://drive.google.com/file/d/(file link here, just censored)/preview")
Thank you for this advice.
Do you recommend any other cloud services that would work well?
P.S: I don't wanna use paid cloud services because the net income of a free mod would be negative, I wanna use something free. I would use my hard drive but that has multiple problems:
1. You can only update or even check for one if I am online
2. My IP address is leaked in the source code
3. My PC only has one hard drive (which won't last forever!), so if that went down the whole update mechanism would collapse
4. I could use my SSD but that'd be really hard to code if possible
5. I use linux anyway, I don't know how it'd react with exploring the EXT4 system of another computer
6. My computer isn't a server; it's not open to filesharing anyway