How do i make shld, wood conductive?

  • SolTheir
    5th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Because, this is very interesting :)

     And i forget a thing, this is need for my mod, where the elements move on their own, and creating things. Like an AI mod, but this is not that, just a little automatization. If i done with it, i will upload.
    Edited once by SolTheir. Last: 5th Mar 2021
  • ReallyJustDont
    29th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    You can use the function to change the properties of existing (or new) elements. In this case, we would use the property "Properties" which is used for special/unique properties (e.g. conductivity, neutron penetrating etc). For changing WOOD, the line would probably be, "Properties", elem.TYPE_SOLID + elem.PROP_NEUTPENETRATE + elem.PROP_CONDUCTS + elem.PROP_LIFE_DEC). However, if you want to conduct more than once, you will also need to use, "Flammable", 0), since SPRK ignites flammable materials (except for INSL). This also has the (potentially undesirable) side effect of making WOOD immune to fire. SHLD has a very similar process, but without elem.PROP_NEUTPENETRATE (which is a default property of WOOD but not of SHLD), and without changing the "Flammable" property since SHLD is already immune to fire.