Please help, I'm out of ideas again...
I'm bad at electronics and such, and ok at art
Please give me some suggestions. Thanks in advance!
Well, If you're OK in art, you can participate in my competition: id:2683168.
You can also try this technique:
1.Take TPT
2.Turn on Future Sound of London, "Lifeforms" album
3.Try to draw every interesting thing you see in your imagination
"Lifeforms" is a very powerful creative catalyst, I use it to write my quest.
"Dead cities", also by FSOL, can work too, but, as for me, it's not as powerful as "Lifeforms".
Hope this helps.
I am out of Ideas at the moment. Ideas for features and weapon systems for my spaceships. (edit: this is my literal first time using the forums)
It uses a bomb missle lancher