
  • Xeerox
    21st Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    HI! here I am again for my new electronic card. (I'm going to refer to some info from the other card thread so it would be better to read the other thread first : https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Thread=24869)

    1: description

    2 : entered and exited

    3 : use ctype

    4 : credit


    1: my new card is very different from the old one, this card can write/stocked/send informations and the card does'nt need modules, it just need an object to write/read the memory(the objet to read does'nt exist creat him). 


    2: the card has two inputs (left) and one output (bottom). The topmost entry is used to perform actions (examples: read infos), and the lowest entry is used to write the memory.


    3:ctype :

    1 : nothing

    2 : to prepare to clear the output

    4 - 128 : to write the memory

    1024 - 262144 : to prepare the sending of the memory to the exit

    131072 : to write the exit


    4 : Xeerox

    Edited once by Xeerox. Last: 22nd Apr 2021
  • sealon_musk
    24th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    i dont know complex things but how do i make cool cpu save