• Brandon8ball
    29th May 2021 Member 2 Permalink

    This is a Q&A/info for TPT-OS (FOR 2.00 ONLY!)


    TPT-OS Q&A


    Q: Why is TPT-OS 2.00 not done?

    A: well, i have to port all of the TPT-OS 1.00 saves to TPT-OS 2.00,

    and thats going to take a long time.


    Q: How does it work?
    A: It works just like windows,
    just click on the blue signs to open a window,
    click on the "X" to get rid of a window.


    Q: Will dark mode be added?
    A: No, but I did add a more darker background


    Q: How do i get a BSoD in TPT-OS?
    A: 1. Go to "Free Moives" on internet and click "Download"
    2. Get rid of TPTOS32
    3. Go to "DOS Mode" click "dir" and click "MEMZ"


    Q: Will you keep working on TPT-OS 1.00?
    A: Yes. I will still update the chatroom on 1.00 and (maybe) add more stuff.


    Q: What is some stuff you added in has a joke?
    A: AntiToy2005, A fake antivirus for TPT-OS
    ToyTube, A bad rip-off of YouTube
    The A: Drive is a setup floppy for "Windows 93" (not added)
    Shutdown is a remake of the Windows 95 "Its now safe to turn off you computer"
    This is a remake of some of the Windows readme files

    (C) Brandon8Ball 2022 TPTOSReadMe.TXT

    Edited 3 times by Brandon8ball. Last: 19th Jan 2022
  • YCY
    7th May 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    Q: Can we make Orion OS

    A: answer me B8ball

  • SamDwich
    7th Jun 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @Sir_YCY (View Post)

     Why would someone want to work on something intended to be a rival to their own thing?

    Edited once by SamDwich. Last: 7th Jun 2022
  • Brandon8ball
    8th Jun 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @Sir_YCY (View Post)

     yeah, sure.